In-Person Shopping & Markets 2024


Artisan markets resume each Spring. In-person market locations and dates will be added here on the website as well as our instagram @appalachianjules

2024 Market Schedule (So Far!):

1. April Market 4/27: Foundation Studios in the RAD Asheville, NC Uncommon Market, 10AM-4PM

*No May or June Markets*

2. July: TBD

3. August: TBD

4. Sept. Market 9/29: Foundation Studios in the RAD Asheville, NC Uncommon Market, 10AM-4PM CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE HELENE

5. October Market 10/27: Foundation Studios in the RAD Asheville, NC Uncommon Market, 10AM-4PM CANCELLED DUE TO HURRICANE HELENE

6. November Market 11/23: Support WNC Craft Fair through Indie Craft Parade Trailblazer Park, Traveler's Rest 10AM-3PM

7. December Market 12/14, Chattooga Belle Farm's Christmas on the Farm, Long Creek SC, 10AM-3PM


In the meantime, you can find our products in-person at:

-Flora & Forage in Downtown West Asheville, NC. 

-The Funky Fern Emporium in Downtown Waynesville, NC temporarily located at 828 Market due to Hurricane Helene.

-Squirrel and Nutt temporarily located at 676 on Main in Lansing, NC due to Hurricane Helene.

-Clementine's (Formerly Pigeon River Mercantile) in Downtown Canton, NC.

-Recline & Unwind Social Spa in Downtown Asheville, NC. *Soaps Only*

-Yon Family Farms in Ridge Spring, SC.

...we are always looking to be featured in more stores! If you are interested in featuring Appalachian Jules products, please reach out to Julia via email at